Thursday, August 16, 2012

2012 Summer Pond Care ideas

Feeding : As the weather, and also the water heat warms up, so will the metabolism of your fish, so you will have to feed all of them at various intervals compared to cooler weather. Estimate the entire body weight of the actual fish within the pond, after that feed them 1%-1.5% of the total body weight in food, 5-eight times each day. Koi may digest their food faster in warmer weather than in cooler climate. When the elements gets comfortable, you ought to feed all of them about 5-8 occasions a day time as in opposition to 1-three times a day time in chillier weather.
If your own pond gets direct sunshine during your day, especially throughout the hottest part of the day, you should provide question able areas for that fish to keep out from the sunlight, particularly in shallow ponds. Water lilies, rocks, along with other plants will give you shade for that fish. If you have to, you may also shade the pond with the seaside umbrella. Just make sure that the fish possess shelter in the direct sunlight to avoid them from getting sunburn. Shade will also help to avoid algae.